Needing only a Lithium Coin Battery (CR 2032) to power, it can be
installed anywhere, but ideally next to the door entrance. Simply
use the included screw kit or double-sided tape if preferred (not
Programming the Suspense Point to the Indigo Care’s Cordless
Receiver(RRU) is easy but must be done separately for the
SUSPENSE and CANCEL button. See our Cordless Programming
Instructions for complete details.
When the care-givers need to enter the room and suspend the
Indigo Care’s Cordless mats and pendants, simply press the
SUSPENSE button. The button will light-up momentarily. This will
suspend all Cordless mats and pendants in the room for 5 minutes
(factory default setting).
You will notice that once suspended, the LED light on the Cordless
Receiver will change from a green continuous light to a blinking
amber light. This is an indication that the Cordless devices are in
suspension mode.
Upon approaching the end of the 5 minutes suspension, the
Cordless Receiver will give you a 10 second buzz warning. If you
require more time, simply press the SUSPENSE button again, and
the 5 minutes cycle starts over.